Sunday 26 April 2009

Acne fighting manual

If you're dealing with acne, large pores, hyperpigmentation, oily skin, uneven skin or just want more information you've come to the right place. This is just my 2cents, I've been dealing with acne for years and finally I've won and my skin is clear, apart from the one or two pimples during my periods.

I've tried prescription drugs and cream which worked really well but were very strong, far too strong for me and I was worried for my health. So for the last few years I've tried ot find natural remedies, starting with what I put in my body.

First and foremost, WATER is the most important thing we can do to keep our skin clear and beautiful. Whatever your skin problem, you NEED water, it is ESSENTIAL. Water not only flushes toxins and impurities out of our bodies but it also helps our skin looking luminous and healthy.

The recommended amount varies according to the source, but many suggest drinking half your weight in ounces of water. (Example: If you weight 80 lbs., drink 40 oz. of water since 80/2 = 40), or dry drinking 10 glasses a day. Sugary drinks and carbonated beverages are NOT water. Green/white/herbal tea on the other hand are wonderful antioxidants.

DIET Yes, we really are what we eat, and the proof is in our skin. A poor diet can cause problem for even the best skin. Processed foods high in preservatives and hyrdrogenated oils are to be avoided at all cost.

Here's a list of the main foods to avoid and why:

Dairy products: Many people are lactose intolerant and don't even realise it and it often manifests itself as acne. Dairy products are also very hard on the digestive system which is another cause of acne. The hormones found in many dairy products can cause skin problems ranging from acne to dermatitis not to forget eczema.

Meat: Contrary to common believe animal protein is not that good for us and should be eaten in moderation. Meat is difficult to digest, and it can take several days for us to digest it properly, while it putrifies and creates toxins. Our digestive system is simply not designed to digest the amount of meat most of us consume.

Human digestive tracts are long and folded so that we can get the most nutrition from the food we consume. Meat stays trapped in the folds of our digestive system and this leads to a buildup of toxins that are eventually expelled through our skin in the form of acne and other problems.

Refined carbohydrates: Eating refined carbs and sugar induce a surge in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor. This in turns leads to an excess of male hormones which encourages the skin to produce large amounts of sebum (oil). Excessive sebum is one of the primary causes of acne since too much sebum is a breeding ground for bacteria. Bad food create a buildup of toxins, detox and liver cleansing are great ways to remove toxins from the system and clear the skin quickly. Fasting is another wonderful skin-clearing strategy since it gives the digestive system a well earned break.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables are ESSENTIAL to healthy skin. I can't think of a single fruit that doesn't contain some ingredient that helps skin thrive. If you don't like eating fruits and vegetables, juicing them or making fresh smoothies is a great way to consume them.

SLEEP: Sleep is nature's way to help our body repair itself. Without sufficient rest, our body cannot effectively repair itself and our skin often shows it. A lack of rest often shows up as blemishes, enlarged pores, bags under the eyes, dark circles, and shallow skin. In addition to tremendously reducing stress which in turn reduces acne-causing hormones, sleep keeps the immune system intact so it can effectively fight off bacteria and infections.

EXERCISE: Exercise is great for the skin because it increases the blood flow to the skin and allows oxygen to get to the cells more efficiently. Light sweating will help clean the pores from the inside, and exercise will improve the fitness of the internal organs. Also, exercise is wonderful for regulating hormones.

STRESS: Most of our problems such as hair loss, skin problems, loss of appetite and other ailments are due to stress. It is a given but we must really try to avoid stress as much as possible. Stress provoks our body to release cortisol, which is an acne-causing chemical. Whatever the remedy is: exercise, sleeping, writing, meditating, talking to a close friend, having a coach, we have to minimise and manage our stress level.

TOPICAL HELP: If you have oily skin don't try and strip your skin in an effort to balance it, the only thing you will get is more sebum (oil), when the skin is stripped of its oil it compensates and produce more of it. The only way to regulate sebum is to maintain a healthy diet, exercise and drink a lot of water. Use gentle cleansing products, and use natural products that are free from harsh ingredients such as alcohol, isopropyl myristate, lanolin, sodium lauryl (laureth) sulfate, propylene glycol, mineral oil, and parabensso to keep your skin healthy and moisturised.

Tea tree oil has been found to be an effective astringent without drying as much as commercial astringents.

Exfoliants are important to a good skin care regimen. They get rid of dead skin and remove surface debris that can clog pores. Too much exfoliation can damage the skin and leave it raw and vulnerable.

Facial masks are a great way to absorb excess oil and refine pores. Clay based masks using kaolin or sea kelp powder are among the best ones. Steaming the face with boiling water (with a few drops of tea tree or peppermint oil) prior to using your mask will help draw out impurities and shrink pores. Do NOT pick at or squeeze acne blemishes and pimples or you will spread infection and push the plug deeper into the skin, and be left with your scars. Applying tea tree oil to the blemishes will help speed healing. Scars can be effectively treated with lavender oil or rosehip essential oil diluted in almond oil. Coconut oil is also great for improving your skin's texture and reducing red/black scarring. Aloe vera gel also reduces scars and hyperpigmentation.

Other methods such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser treatments can also fade hyperpigmentation and restore skin's smooth texture.

Always use a good sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays (even in winter)that can age the skin and cause problems with uneven tone. Blocked pores lead to blackheads, these should not be forcibly extracted. Instead, the excess oil and dead skin should be removed from the skin in order to eliminate blackheads. Gently exfoliating regularly will help keep blackheads away.

Professional facials are typically good for the skin but extractions should be gentle or it can result in ruptures, scarring (particularly in black women) and enlarged pores. I would recommend you go to a professional who is used to dealing with you skin type/colour.


Fair & White, Aubrey Organics, Dermalogica, Neal's Yard, The Body Shop, L'occitane.


Dermalogica - Adult Acne Treatment Kit

Aubrey Organics Jojoba Meal & Oatmeal with Rosa Mosqueta Mask & Scrub 4oz


-Don't touch your skin throughout the day unless you've just washed your hands. Otherwise, you're spreading dirt and bacteria from your hands to your skin.

-Change pillowcases and bed linens regularly as they touch the face throughout the night. Oils from our face and hair can contribute to skin problems.

-Take a good multivitamin every day to be sure your body & skin are receiving the necessary nutrients for healthy functioning.

-Wear makeup that is oil-free and are non-comedogenic. Use disposable sponges to avoid the transfer of bacteria. Be sure to wash makeup brushes once a week to keep them clean and free of dirt and bacteria.

-Try drinking aloe vera juice to boost the immune system and heal the digestive system.

-Flaxseed oil, Echinacea, MSM, olive leaf extract, and evening primrose oil are all great supplements.

-Milk of Magnesia makes a great mask for minimizing pores and smoothing skin's texture.

-Raw honey makes a great face mask. Simply apply raw honey and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Honey's antiseptic properties will help clear blemishes and maintain the skin's moisture balance.

-Aspirin mask are also wonderful to reduce blemishes.

Ladies, consistency and patience are the keys!


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